Chevrolet Corvette C8 Right-Hand Drive Cabin Revealed
The Chevrolet Corvette C8 is the first Corvette to come to the right-hand drive market from the factory with it eventually coming to the UK, Australia, and Japan. Now, the American company has revealed images of the RHD cabin and as you’d expect, it looks as good as the original.
Chevrolet made the decision thanks to its use of the 8-speed dual-clutch automatic gearbox, which has made it much easier to swap the interior around. Its mid-engined layout has also made this easier.
Despite this, the Chevrolet numbers men are worrying as to whether the C8 will be successful across the ocean, with the sustainability of the car being very questionable in the future. With orders coming in initially, they could tail off down the line, but Japan is looking strong with 300 orders already being paid for within 60 hours of the company starting to take reservations.
If you’re in a RHD area and wanting to get your hands on a C8, I’d make it your prerogative to move fast as the car could be pulled from the market sooner rather than later. With this said, orders are looking to be delivered around Spring next year.