The Grand Tour

The Grand Tour Continues a Grand Tradition of Christmas Specials with Namibia

Season 16 Episode 00-1 – East Coast Road Trip

This is what Americans needed after the disaster down south. A true road trip with some epic cars on some of the best driving roads the good ol’ U.S. of A could offer.

Season 16 Episode 00-2 – Middle East Special

It is the sheer fact that the boys got to travel through Syria (considering what is going on now) and the ability to have anything go wrong like it did in Alabama and Argentina that makes this special a must watch.

Season 18 Episode 00 – India Special

Arguably the worst special every produced by the boys and the special that most fans use to compare to some of the scripted moments in The Grand Tour, the India special tends to be that family member you never want to invite to your parties.

Season 19 Episode 6 & 7 – Africa Special

Easily one of the episodes all fans talk about when asked which episode was their favorite, the Africa special gave very special moments of the chemistry that these boys share. The actual race to the Nile gave this special a little bit more competition, which is always greatly appreciated.

Season 21 Episode 6 & 7 – Burma Special

The beautiful views of Burma and the use of lorries to trek across a country that has rarely let anyone in made this special one of the most unique. Throw in the actual building of a bridge and you have a recipe for a very memorable special.

Season 22 Episode 1 & 2 – Pantagonia Special

The last ever special that Clarkson, Hammond and May ever made for Top Gear and what could be argued the beginning of the end for Jeremy Clarkson and Top Gear. The episode is famous for the license plate that insulted the Argentinian people to the point that just recently, Jeremy Clarkson was not allowed to board a plane after filming in Germany.

The boys know what they have to live up to, but the good thing is that they are surrounded by pretty much the same crew that have traveled with them around the world.

Where will Namibia rank amongst these specials? We’re going to have to wait and see.

What was your favorite special? Leave a comment below to let us know.

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  1. I simply love the Bolivia special every time I watch it makes me smile and I have watched it too many to count

  2. I was in the crowd for the lapland Xmas episode as i won tickets with Amazon. 50 pairs of UK people won out of 240k people applying! Its a funny episode. The first film is ok, with a great joke about top gear in it! And the 2nd film was really good by May. I loved it, the wife not so much. The Xmas stuff is very slap stick! but funny!

  3. I actually liked the India special a lot… when I watched it as a naive fan I loved it because I didn’t realise how scripted it was. Now that I realise it, I still watch it with the same love!

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