The Grand Tour

Is The Grand Tour Coming To An End After Season 4?

After the news that The Grand Tour Season 4 will only consist of two episodes, we’ve received lots of comments from fans wondering whether this is the start of the end.

“The three lads- no tent, no race track, on conversational corner. What the. This is also looking like my last year with Amazon,” one commenter said. Another says: “Since when do two episodes make a season? It’s not even a mini-series.

‘I fear this the end… the fat lady is warming up.”

So in reply to this, I set myself a challenge to find every piece of evidence there is to prove The Grand Tour is coming back, and is not ending.

Exhibit A, ladies and gentlemen: A post from executive producer Andy Wilman confirming that the film crew will be working with them for another two years.

At the time of posting, another two years would in fact result in another three seasons on top of the original three. There are lots of fans who are going to be very happy with that.

The second piece of evidence came from Jeremy Clarkson himself, who seems very happy to continue The Grand Tour for years to come:

‘We were signed up by Amazon to do three seasons and everyone was like, “They’re going to do four,” but we were only asked to do three,’ Clarkson said. ‘We’re delighted to say Amazon have asked us to do more.

‘Whenever anyone would say, “Oh you’re not telling us because its not happening.” No, we can’t tell you because we hadn’t gotten round to doing three. When we finished three we talked to Amazon and they said, “Oh no we’d be delighted,” and they seemed to love us so consequently you’ve got us for a few more years yet.’


I’m still scouring the internet for evidence and this page will be updated as I go, so if you have any leads, leave them in the comments below. Until then, maybe bookmark this page or sign up to our email (go to the bottom of the page) and I’ll keep you in the loop!

It’s fair to say already, despite Season 4 not even out yet, the team aren’t giving any signs of slowing own. They may only have two episodes on the way, but we’re about to be inundated with content from Clarkson, Hammond and May. Let’s pull our socks up and get watching. Let’s show Amazon just how much we want to see these three idiots being stupid on four (or two or three) wheels.

Alex Harrington

Alex started racing at a young age so certainly knows his way around a car and a track. He can just about put a sentence together too, which helps. He has a great interest in the latest models, but would throw all of his money at a rusty old French classic and a 300ZX. Contact:

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  1. I think the 2 episodes thing is something to do with them deciding to do away with all the things that the majority didn’t care for or set them apart from other car shows..Top Gear. Time frame also came into it aswell, it takes a massive amount of time to put together, film and edit a long road trip across different countries. As I understand it, 2 episodes won’t be the number going forward (hopefully) on plus note, the 2 episodes I think are each around 1.5 hours long so not all bad

  2. Then my question is how many episodes will constitute a special? It seams if each special is only two hours long, what’s the point of calling it a series. If it’s two or three episodes per special that’s a little more like it. Just remember once upon a time Dr Who stories would stretch 6 or 8 episodes long.

  3. Yes brilliant that is good no talking just adventure. Should have been about 6 specials in film format not just 2. But I’m glad they cut out the conversation bit and the car going round the track.. Because the specials weren’t long enough for my liking.

  4. Just having two movie episodes is pretty decent considering how grueling the adventures are and if we have individual content then I think we’ve got it made. I laugh more watching those three having fun than just about any comedy show on TV.

  5. Mr Wilman mentioned in another interview that they 4- Clarkson, Hammond, May and Wilman are doing their solo shows, which would take their time to make solo seasons instead of collective Grand Tour seasons. In my opinion, they would do Grand Tour to keep attraction of the fans to Amazon and make fans toKeep the subscription to see GT while watching boys solos. Because when I watched season 3, meantime I watched May’s Toy Stories. And I cancelled the prime. I think Amazon has that data and information and they wanted us to have prime throughout the year.

    Boys will review the cars in Drive Tribe and if anything additional needs they’ll find a way. Since there is no much new super cars available I think that would be enough for them. Or they’ll add some new cars to the specials to review.

    What we are really going to miss is the things that trio would make together.

  6. They don’t have to do grandiose epic shows. We just love watching them interact with each other and the chemistry they have together. In would watch them walk around Wal Mart together just making comments. That’s the thing. Though I love the show and specials, I tune in to see them and enjoy the comradarie they share. Just like the special where they “improved” a backyard. That was likely much easier to film, but every bit as entertaining. Just do whatever. We just want to see the boys. BBC made the worst decision in the history of broadcast media by firing Clarkson. I’m glad Amazon picked them up.

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