The Grand Tour

Jeremy Clarkson Struggles With Farming Life: “It’s Just So Depressing”

Jeremy Clarkson has admitted that he is struggling with farming life as deadlines and humidity levels make harvesting incredible difficult.

Clarkson’s Farm was an entertaining and realistic look into the real-life of faring as Jeremy Clarkson fights to create a successful farm. If you’ve watched until the end, then you’ll see that it’s incredibly difficult to make any profit at all.

Fortunately, Jeremy was able to offset his losses by creating an Amazon show out of it. But other farmers haven’t been so lucky. 

On Twitter, Jeremy has told a follower that “It’s just so depressing”, after being asked about how the current weather conditions have messed with his harvesting.

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“Just seen a farmer in his half ploughed field, stood next to his combine harvester, thanks to @JeremyClarkson,” a fan posts.

“I’m now concerned humidity levels have changed and he’s going to struggle to meet his harvest deadlines.”

Jeremy replies, admitting that he’s struggling with a similar thing:

“We’re all in the same boat. It’s just so depressing.”

He’s talked about this a lot in the past, even writing a column about his issues:

“So if it’s been raining, or not raining, or if it’s been sunny, or not sunny, you have to wait.

“Too dry and the crop will be rejected by the buyer because it will be impossible to extract the oil.

“Too wet and you must spend a fortune drying it out.”

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Fortunately for fans, we’ll be able to join Jeremy for a second year of his farming career after Clarkson’s Farm was confirmed for a second season.

“Following the success of the first series, I’m delight to say that there will be a second series of Clarkson’s Farm,” told us.

Kaleb interjects from behind the camera: “You mean Kaleb’s Farm?”

Jeremy continues: “All the team are back, Cheerful Charlie, Lisa, Gerald, and the foetus in a tractor.”

Caleb turns the camera around to point at himself, confirming, “Kaleb’s Farm”.

Alex Harrington

Alex started racing at a young age so certainly knows his way around a car and a track. He can just about put a sentence together too, which helps. He has a great interest in the latest models, but would throw all of his money at a rusty old French classic and a 300ZX. Contact:

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  1. Narcissist ” nouveau rich” Jeremy Clarkson self pity complaints about farming is an insult to all the farmers

  2. Where the farmer also a contractor the job is 24/7 52 weeks of the year is more of a wildlife there’s not a lot of money in it you spend it all on machinery I wouldn’t want to be doing anything else

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