The Grand Tour

Jeremy Clarkson “Verbally Attacked” By Stranger For Not Wearing A Mask

Jeremy Clarkson has revealed that he was “verbally attacked” by a stranger when he was caught short without a mask while popping down to his local newsagents shop. The Grand Tour presenter wrote about this moment in the Sunday Times, where he detailed what happened.

‘In the olden days, when there was Enid Blyton and local bobbies gave apple scrumpers a clip round the ear, people would have forgiven a 60-year-old for making such a mistake.

“But not any more. A man leapt from his 10-year-old Toyota to do some remonstrating.

‘“Do you not need a mask because you’re on television?” he bellowed. And he hadn’t finished.

“In fact, his lecture, padded out with much profanity, was so lengthy that I never got the chance to interrupt and point out that he wasn’t wearing a mask either,’ he wrote.

Jeremy Clarkson is currently filming for his first season of “I Bought The Farm”, which follows him on a journey of starting and managing a successful farm that not only grows crops and animals, but also sells produce in a shop that he has built on the land. However, it hasn’t all been easy going, as filming hasn’t only been interrupted by the effects of COVID, but also by planes flying overhead, bringing filming to a halt.

The Grand Tour: Madagascar Special, on the other hand, has just had its release date announced on IMDB as the 4th September 2020, so we’re looking forward to the trailer which will surely be coming soon.

Alex Harrington

Alex started racing at a young age so certainly knows his way around a car and a track. He can just about put a sentence together too, which helps. He has a great interest in the latest models, but would throw all of his money at a rusty old French classic and a 300ZX. Contact:

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