Does Richard Hammond Have A “Worst Car Mod”?
We’ve all seen some pretty bad car mods in our day, I’m certain. A personal favorite of mine is this one guy that lives in town that drives a minivan lifted on giant 26 inch rims. I’m not sure what the thinking was, but one thing is for sure; he certainly stands out.
A question from a fan on the September 22nd Facebook Q&A asked what’s the worst car mod that Richard had ever seen, and the answer was somewhat vague. Richard seemed reluctant to say which was the “worst” mod he’d ever seen because it’s a personal thing. Some people like certain things and some don’t.
CREDIT: Car Throttle
Hammond mentioned stancing but then redacted that, saying that it doesn’t seem to bother him (I can’t stand cars with a crazy camber). After some prodding by James, Hammond still didn’t spell out anything specific, stating that there might be things that he wouldn’t do to his car, but it wouldn’t have been done to his car.
So if Hammond won’t spell out specifics, I will. I mentioned crazy stances, and by that, I mean cars that have a camber that makes their wheels almost horizontal. Come one, man. Another is fake badges. I have seen some non M BMWs with an M badge glued on. I know a few Mustang owners with a Cobra badge on a non-Cobra Mustang. Why? Who are you trying to fool?
CREDIT: Car Throttle
Another one is crazy huge wings, but only in specific situations. I have a friend that has a giant rear wing on his Mustang, but he tracks his car regularly. That’s fine since his serves an actual function. I have another friend who shall remain nameless who has the exact giant rear wing on the back of his car, and he has never been within 10 miles of a race in his life. Essentially what he has a giant tack-on wing that serves no purpose other than perhpas giving him a surface to eat lunch off of.
So let’s hear it, Nation. I know there are mods out there that drive you nuts, and we want to hear it!