The Grand Tour

Someone’s Bald-ified The Grand Tour Presenters With Horrifying Results

I believe one reason why The Grand Tour, and previous Top Gear, has worked so well is because of the branding behind the hosts, Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond, and James May. Each man is known for something, for example, Clarkson is the power-hungry ape that can’t do anything, Hammond crashes and wants to be American, and James May is slow and old.

On top of this, they each have very individual looks. Hammond is stylish, likes to wear a suit, and has gone through several hairstyles. Clarkson like denim and leather jackets and has a beer belly and curly hair, and May wears crazy, colourful and patterned shirts and smokes a pipe.

Because of this, you can describe these hosts in several ways and you’ll know which is being talked about straight away. The shouty one? The slow one? Power!

You get what I’m saying.

So what happens when you use an app to bald-ify and beard-ifythem? Well, they look like hipster hitmen, and now I’m almost sure that Clarkson and May should go bald. Hammond, maybe not.

We’ve previously seen the trio being used in apps like this where they’ve been converted to women, and fans went wild for a bit of Miss Richard Hammond.

So, do you think The Grand Tour hosts should go bald? I’m not 100%, but I know for sure it’s better than their previous attempts…

Alex Harrington

Alex started racing at a young age so certainly knows his way around a car and a track. He can just about put a sentence together too, which helps. He has a great interest in the latest models, but would throw all of his money at a rusty old French classic and a 300ZX. Contact:

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One Comment

  1. As someone who is folically challenged, I’m all for them going bald. They look way better!

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