The Grand Tour

The Grand Tour’s Abbie Eaton has GoFundMe Started For Her After Breaking Her Back Racing

Abbie Eaton, The Grand Tour’s famous racing driver who won over fans’ hearts while driving alongside Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond, and James May, has broken her back in a racing incident in Austin, Texas. Forced to stop driving, and therefore earning a living, fellow racing driver Jamie Stanley has started a GoFundMe page to allow fans to help Abbie get through this difficult time.

As a professional racing driver, driving coach, and driver for The Grand Tour, Abbie has lots of experience behind the wheel. But at an opening event for W Series, the famous racing driver fractured two vertebrae after driving over a kerb at turn 15 of the Circuit of Americas. Her car was launched into the air before sustaining major suspension damage when hitting the ground.

An official spokesperson said the following:

“Abbie Eaton will not compete in today’s final race of the season after suffering a T4 compound fracture during yesterday’s race at COTA.”

“Abbie is in good spirits at Dell Seton Hospital where she is being treated.

“Everyone at W Series wishes her a speedy recovery.”

With a spinal fracture being a complex and difficult injury to live with, since the incident she’s been housebound while carrying out physical therapy to build strength. Now, a GoFundMe account has been set up for her, with the man behind it, Jamie, stressing that Abbie wouldn’t do this for herself:

“Those of you who know Abbie will know how determined she is and how frustrated she will be with the current situation and would never ask for help, so I took it on myself to do it for her. She really does need it to have the best chance of a speedy recovery.”

The goal of the page is to collect donations equalling £20,000, and after just one day, it’s raised over £16,000 at the time of writing.

If you’d like to donate, and please do, follow this link. 

As most of you will know Abbie has broken two vertebrae in her back during her race in Austin, Texas after running over a sausage kerb.

She’s now facing a very long period of recovery including wearing a neck brace until at least February plus months of intensive rehab the other side.

During this time she won’t be able to earn a living from her job as a professional driver and driver coach. I wanted to help raise some money for her to help remove the stress of this from her recovery and to help her get the medical treatment needed to hopefully be fit enough for 2022.

Spinal fractures are quite complex and need specialist physiotherapy and physical therapy for many months, as well as recurring MRIs, X-Rays, consultant appointments, all of which are very costly.

Any help towards her recovery and rehab/physio to get her back to work and back on track racing in 2022 where she belongs will be massively appreciated.

Those of you who know Abbie will know how determined she is and how frustrated she will be with the current situation and would never ask for help, so I took it on myself to do it for her. She really does need it to have the best chance of a speedy recovery.

Alex Harrington

Alex started racing at a young age so certainly knows his way around a car and a track. He can just about put a sentence together too, which helps. He has a great interest in the latest models, but would throw all of his money at a rusty old French classic and a 300ZX. Contact:

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  1. A tv personality has an injury and people rally around them, a normal hard working dad of 2 (myself) breaks their back and gets sent home from hospital with just a prescription for pain pills.
    20 months later still struggling! GG society.

  2. What no insurance come on people get injured in their everyday jobs but nobody sets up a go fund me page

  3. Doesn’t her employer have insurance for this sort of thing knowing the high risk of racing? Just asking.

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