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Elon Musk Is Recruiting For Tesla And Not Worried About Your Education

If you fancy working in one of the most talked-about companies of the modern age, you don’t have to worry about a college education according to Tesla CEO Elon Musk. He took to Twitter a day ago in search for new recruits for a team to work on artificial intelligence writing:

“Join AI at Tesla! It reports directly to me & we meet/email/text almost every day. My actions, not just words, show how critically I view (benign) AI.”

And what’s more, he isn’t looking for a specialised degree. Instead, he’s looking for a “deep understanding” of artificial intelligence. And while, “[e]ducational background is irrelevant,” all candidates “must pass hardcore coding test,” Musk said.

This isn’t the first time Musk has mentioned his disregard for qualifications. “There’s no need even to have a college degree at all or even high school,” Musk said during a 2014 interview shown below) with the German automotive publication Auto Bild when discussing his hiring preferences.

“If somebody graduated from a great university, that may be an indication that they will be capable of great things, but it’s not necessarily the case. If you look at, say, people like Bill Gates or Larry Ellison, Steve Jobs, these guys didn’t graduate from college, but if you had a chance to hire them, of course, that would be a good idea,” Musk said.

Instead, he looks for “evidence of exceptional ability. And if there is a track record of exceptional achievement, then it is likely that that will continue into the future.”

Musk is needing a team on artificial intelligence to work on the fully autonomous and self-driving of his Tesla cars. We assume that any updates for the autonomous nature of these cars will be sent via OTA updates as usual.

Musk is also going to throw a “super fun AI party/hackathon” at his house in about a month, with invitations being sent out soon to lucky invitees.

This new AI team will be working in the San Francisco Bay area in California or Austin, Texas, but “potentially any Tesla Gigafactory” said Elon last Sunday.

Let us know below if you’re going to apply – good luck!

Alex Harrington

Alex started racing at a young age so certainly knows his way around a car and a track. He can just about put a sentence together too, which helps. He has a great interest in the latest models, but would throw all of his money at a rusty old French classic and a 300ZX. Contact:

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  1. Hello!
    I am very very interested! I love Elun Musk and I support his ideas! I am ready to give in all for the best company in the world.
    I want to work for Tesla!!!

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